giovedì, febbraio 15, 2007


A metà tra Sex & The City e Via col Vento - ruota:
Al Moulin Rouge [Balla con la Lupa]
L'annuncio ufficiale dovrebbe avvenire per banner di Gabriele [nomen omen] nello spazio di Kinematrix...
Rullino i tamburi: una proposta DECENTE! Caso raro per imMAGAZIN(E)re le esperienze maturate, maturantesi: uno spazio aperto. E io amo gli spazi aperti e le visioni larghe! Di rubrica non v'è certezza, ma oggi grondo GRAZIE per tutti quelli che credono, hanno creduto e crederanno. Prima che "in me" - nel proprio essere!
Oggi un tango - y Duende!
e balliamo di gRosso
Will drive you!
Will drive you!
Will drive you!
You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong or if it is right
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
You don't have to sell your body to the night
[Christian sings:]His eyes upon your faceHis hand upon your hand His lips caress your skin IT'S MORE THAN I CAN STAND![Tango dancer sings Roxanne in the background while Christian keeps singing:]
Christian: Why does my heart cry?
Tango Dancer:ROXANNE!
Christian:Feelings I can't fight!You're free to leave me but Just don't deceive me!...And please believe me when I sayI LOVE YOU![Man speaking in spanish] Yo que te quiero tanto, que voy a hacer? Me dejastes, me dejastes en un ****. El alma se me fue. Se me fue hasta la sombra.Ya no tengo ganas de vivir porque no te puedo convencer que no te vendas Rozanne. Traduction: I who loves you so much, what am I going to do? You left me, you left me in a *****. My soul left me. Even myshadow left me. I don't have a will to live because I can't convince you to not sell yourself, Roxanne.
[Tango dancer (while Christian sings):]ROXANNE!You don't have to put on that red light!You don't have to wear that dress tonight ROXANNE!You don't have to put on that red light ROXANNE!You don't have to wear that dress tonight!ROXANNE!ROXANNE!ROXANNE!ROXANNE!
[Christian:]Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
[El tango de Roxanne]

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